Friday, April 11, 2008

First Blog!

Ok, my first blog on the net and I have no idea whatsoever to write about. Being hit by writers block is pretty hard to overcome to tell the truth. I am a decent writer but as i sit down to write, nothing comes to my mind. Its a blank nothingness that i stare into but as i look out i am reminded of all the things around me. Everything i do is for the last time on campus at IITR. But before we start off with that, a little bit about me first I guess. (All those guys who say blogging is for writers and those who like to write.. But i am writing for the sake of just being on the net, and express opinions about stuff later on i guess..Again all those who expect deep philosophical stuff from me on the net, sorry look again elsewhere)

About me.. Well currently i am in my final year at IIT Roorkee in civil department..(again when i look back, i probably will reminiscence about it).. Fate i guess led me to write this blog one day before the JEE exam in 2008, that being the exam i got thru, rather scraped through to reach here.. Good times that, three years of my life spent in studying and i guess more studying..but i made it..Worked out well i guess, four years of memories i wont forget.. Anyway, more about me..I like to read books(a lot and i read very quickly), play basketball and like to be involved in organizing events.. Ok, this reads too much like what i would write on a resume..but i am coming off a host of interviews for my campus placement, and I have become politically correct in all these things..I am also a sci fi loving, trekkie, tv serial show watching, weird litta knowledge loving person and there a 1000 little oddities about me, like the fact that i have a coffee machine in my room and i make my own coffee even though there is nescafe rite outside my hostel and the saving i make is probably at 50 paise a coffee..But i make it just to know that i am master of my fate, captain of my soul..
Now about the events that dominate today..
The cultural society interviews..after sitting through a boring set of interviews of about 50 people, whose results were predecided by each of the sections..Its like being stuck in a Chinese torture machine, as each person comes and goes, comes and goes..Again for what purpose i do not know..I have worked in program management, part of cultural society for four years..Since the results are fixed and everyone knows it, i dont see why we couldnt jsut submit a list..
Apart from this, it feels sad that I had to end my tenure as secretary..To tell the truth, I liked being head of a section..Like being in charge i guess, even though I am a lazy person..Somehow the campus reward the extroverts on campus, but I think the introverts are better suited for leadership..I am not talking about me, but a leader has to think about what's right some times, not be afraid to hurt other people's feelings sometime, and be confident to deal with people..I dont know but I havent been exactly been able to do that..I have tried to be a good person, but sometimes to be nice, you have to be hard..

Anyway, enough about that problem..Going on to other problems..
Well there is the quota issue...I, not being from an OBC category, obviously hate it, but I think I its social justice..Generations of being wronged, I guess we can try to fix it, and this is one way..The general people shouldnt complain i think because these are seats are being created not being cut from the seats existing presently..We should think of them as extra seats which were never available anyway.. Also I think a bit of economic barriers to this quota, would be a bit more fair.. short of giving all the economic cost of the labour extracted from them by force, i think this is a small way of giving back.. Its easier to implement this at higher education because of the order that exists at this level.. Its easy to say that we have to implement at the primary level but its much harder and i think a top down approach is better in this case..Also this could be an election gimmick but its the correct way to go i think...Again short thoughts on this issue..Contentious as it is, it shouldnt be such an issue.. If you are brilliant enough, you can overcome all obstacles...Thats the price of being called exceptional..
So with malice toward none, gracious loving to good looking females and charity towards guys, more on this blog later, I have a lot of things to get off my mind..

1 comment:

Abhinav said...

Hey thr...a nice post! :) But were u in a any way trying to tell tht u r in favor of this damnned quota system in the last few lines? I donno wht brought u into tht frame of mind. I fail to find any sense in the system in which the less deserving ones are gifted just because their ancestors were denied of some privileges almost a century ago! I don't know why these so called leaders don't understand that the present generation has absolutely nothing to do with it. Well, I think they've been given enough time..and it's time to move on and start afresh! Wtcha say? :)