Saturday, April 12, 2008

Early morning blues

Everyday in the morning when you wake up, you usually think whats up for today, or what am I going to do today. Ever miss the days when you woke up and your only thought was, whats for breakfast or what cartoon is going to come on tv? Well, I do. Now its read the newspaper, drink coffee(a coffee lover me, so I dont exactly complain) shave, and move on with the day..

Ah, the good old days.. When someone refers to them, I think about why do they call it the good old days. We never had it so well..The entire world at our fingertips with internet access and all..TV in HDTV format as well, mobile phones to make sure we stay in touch with our loved ones etc..I mean what was there in the good old days that people miss? Lower prices? Or is it a loss of innocence that people complain about? I dont think its either, I think its the mythification of the past that people are interested in rather than actually looking at what they have right now.

Anyway, moving on with the day, I have to ask about my insti mates and their motivations. Just how important do they think all this stuff on campus is? I mean all these extra cirricular activities and all are? Do they think five years from now, anyone would seriously care whether you were part of one thing or the other or the head of it.. I mean, guys remember that you do these activities for fun, not to just fill up a resume. Being in an IIT already fills up a large part of the resume. The rest depends on how you present yourself. However, with all this politics and all, you do no more than tear the ties that bind you. These are not professional organizations where cutting throats and stepping over dead bodies gets you anywhere. If its finances you are after, you guys dont think about the future ramifications of your actions now.. Mostly in the financial world, lot of the deals and projects each company gives to each other is based a lot on personal relationships and going for a small monetary gain now is pretty shortsighted. This is the last chance you have to make open networks based on friendship and trust and killing that is just foolishness. If you have a choice between a person you dont know and a person whom you know had done financial misdeeds at your insti, think about whom you would choose to deal with.

However, this morning waking up to the beats of Layla by Eric Clapton got me thinking..
"Let's make the best of the situation
Before I finally go insane.
Please don't say we'll never find a way
And tell me all my love's in vain."
These beats have a mind of their own and they are so captivating that each time he says Layla, your own heart shouts out the name. These lines here are more like what represents my life at IITR i guess. Despite all my misgivings about this place, I actually do like it. Despite all my taunts and jibes about this place being a village and a prison both, I have to say I really love this place..

Anyway peace out for now, will talk later!

1 comment:

Murali Akella said...

Ooh. This one strangely sounds like my farewell speech at IITR to my batchmates and my colleagues. Bizarrely similar. Though I know it's gone, gone into the folds of history unbeknownst.

Good to know someone gives a crap about this. But seriously, dude, blog - dont preach. :D